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The industrial look in interior design has been around for a while now, and while we aren’t all lucky enough to work in an old converted warehouse that is replete with genuine industrial elements, our design team offers ways to give your office a noticeably urban feel.

One of the distinguished ways to achieve an industrial look at work is using industrial materials. Concrete is an obvious choice, and in recent years we have seen a dramatic rise in the use of it in interior design. It would seem that there is nothing that can’t be created using this versatile material, and our designers are now applying concrete in uncommon and astonishing ways like this office interior design project.

When used as flooring, concrete can naturally withstand weight and pressure from foot traffic and furniture, so financiers and manufacturers do not need to worry about its maintenance. It is also extremely resisting to damage from scratches or impact. When properly maintained and sealed, a concrete floor can endure open-endedly, which saves financiers effort and money in changing their floors intermittently.

The frosted glass may be frosted, but yet it’s glass. In that regard, it will still allow you to keep the openness that is the earmark of your modern office.

In this project, our designers used frosted glass for the Natural light to still penetrate deep into the lounge space and at the same time blurring the unpleasant view of the narrow backstreet of the building, while lessening the dependence on artificial lights and thereby saving a lot of money on your monthly utility bills. Our architectural 3D modeling team tried to create highly realistic and detailed views of this office from multiple angles.

We cannot underestimate the powerful effect color or combination of colors applied in environmental design, especially interior spaces, will have on those who use that space, since color affects us physiologically, mentally and aesthetically.

Every color has an exclusive effect on the elements which come in contact with it. Yellow, for instance, is a very joyful color which brings delight to spaces and makes them look welcoming and bright, and that is why our design team chose this color as the color for entryway and halls.

Painting the walls yellow or using this as an accent color can potentially create a welcoming and warm ambiance that makes you, your employees, and your clients and visitors feel comfortable right from the start. The contrast between warm shades of yellow and cold nature of concrete makes the space more memorable and unique. Unique ceramic tiles on the wall with a warm and welcoming message complete the yellow color features.

About The Project

Architect: Jing Feng
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Date: 2017
Country: Germany
Assistants: Emil Ahmad
Project Type: Commercial
SQ. FT: 462.68
