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This small café was designed for a local park in a commercial district. The park attracted people to have lunch in warm and pleasant days, and the authorities saw the high potentials of this open area in attracting and keeping people for gatherings and eating, so they came to us for the design of a small street-café adjacent to the park and the pedestrian.

In such projects, it is important to recognize the qualities that are already attracting people to that space, and the next step is to avoid weakening or ruining those qualities, but try to enhance them.

The open space and greenness was a key feature that attracted people, so we designed the café as open as possible, with only a roof on the top of the sitting area, and a flower box is separating it only visually on one side of it. The café faced the park and the wall facing the street was solid and covered with a thin layer of natural wood.

As you can see in the architectural renders, Natural wood was selected as the main material so that the small café would be in harmony with the park’s green nature. The concrete C form shell is the element that bears the structural loads.

In comparison to the sitting area, kitchen and counter are separated from the outside, yet visual access to cooking and preparing area is completely provided from the outside of the café, but a door separates the sitting area and kitchen. The furniture is also of natural wood, appropriate for a quick coffee or meal.

About The Project

Architect: Jing Feng
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Date: 2019
Country: Italy
Assistants: Emil Ahmad
Project Type: Commercial
SQ. FT: 275
